Win more bids
with the bidder’s toolkit

Double your chance of winning a bid by winning at Social Value.

Win more work in 3 minutes

Download the guide

Want to focus your Social Value efforts in a way that has the most impact? Read the guide now.

This useful resource covers:
  • Why Social Value matters in bids
  • What buyers are looking for
  • How to unlock your unrealised potential
  • How to optimise your Social Value
  • How to prove and share your achievements

Social Value FAQs

At Social Value Portal, we regularly receive questions from our members, consulting clients, webinar attendees, and many others seeking guidance on their Social Value strategies or our membership offering.

Whether you are a bidder, a buyer, a business, or have a question that spans all three categories, you can explore this guide for answers to your Social Value queries. 


Watch our on demand webinars now

Local Government
Central Government

Learn how a strong Social Value bid can help you win more points at evaluation AND maintain profitability

Why Social Value matters

Social Value is now the real differentiator in bids where cost and quality are becoming hygiene factors.

Social Value Portal Member


Social Value accounts for up to 30% weighting in bid evaluations.

Social Value delivery for one contract strengthens the story for the next. It is a virtuous circle, success breeds success.

Léyoh Goodall, Social Value Portal


Average Social Value delivery per £100k of contract value.

Shape it. Prove it. Share it.
The complete solution for bidders.


Set yourself up for success by embedding Social Value within your business‭.

Membership features include:

  • Consulting to set you up for success
  • Measurement that sets the standard
  • One platform to manage everything
  • Reporting on demand
  • Specialist support every step of the way

Ready to make your Social Value work harder?

Book a call to see how you can create more lasting impact.

Get in touch

Also available to download: The Social Value 101 Toolkit